Russian IT giant Mail.Ru Group announced the launch of the information and research project “The gaming industry in Russia and the world“.

MailRu запустил исследовательский проект по игровой индустрии

At the moment, the project is a selection of previously released on publications devoted to market data collected by Mail.

However, as Madina Tayupova, head of strategic PR projects of the holding, noted in an interview with us, a new study was added to the project with the release – about the profiles of players in Europe and the USA, as well as some data in studies for 2013 and 2014.

Mail.Ru The Group plans to continue developing the project: new research will definitely appear in it. However, it is not yet known with what frequency the company plans to publish them.

You will be able to learn about the latest trends in the gaming industry first-hand, personally meet and discuss working issues with leading companies in the game development and publishing market at White Nights Helsinki 2016, which will be held on February 11-12.
