The announcement of as many as three major industrial events that will take place on the territory of the former USSR this October took place the other day. It’s about CREE, Live Mobile! and DevGAMM.


One of the oldest game developers conferences in Russia is being held this time in conjunction with the largest game exhibition in Eastern Europe, Igromir, in Moscow from October 2 to 4. Accordingly, along with the date, the location and format of the CRI changed: instead of the Cosmos Hotel – Crocus Expo, instead of a large number of streams – only two.


The congress dedicated to the development of mobile and social games Live Mobile! is changing its location more radically. The event, held by Game Insight, will take place not like last time in Moscow, but in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. It will be held from October 11 to 12.


The DevGAMM conference is also moving to another country. This year the autumn DevGAMM takes place not in Kiev, but in Minsk. Dates of its holding: October 17-18. More than 800 participants are expected.

By the way, we remind you that the Eastern European Casual Connect session will be held from November 10 to 12 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Photo: http://mo-iai.rggu.ru/
