Of the more than six thousand applications that are now available to owners of smartwatches from the Apple company, six hundred and seven are games,” the analytical company App Annie reported.

Меньше, чем за два месяца число игр для Apple Watch выросло на 94

The growth in the total number of applications since the device went on sale at the end of April was 108%, the number of games increased by 94% over the same period.

Games are not the most popular category of Apple Watch apps. These include only 10% of hourly applications. For comparison, for utilities – 12%, and for “Health and Fitness” – depressing 7% within the framework of such a gadget.

It is quite possible that with the official release of the new SDK for Apple Watch, which allows you to create native applications for smartwatches, the situation will change somewhat. That’s just which way is a big question.

By the way, at the time of the launch of the iOS App Store in 2008, 500 applications were available in it, a quarter of which were gaming.

Source: App Annie
