Yesterday it became known that Huawei will support indie developers who work with the AppGallery store. A representative of the Russian division of the company said about the terms of the promotion and ways to support independent projects.The total prize fund of the promotion is € 30 thousand.

It will be distributed among 30 games. The winners will be able to use the money received to attract users for a fee.

Arseniy Khlebtsev, manager for the development of the Huawei Games ecosystem, said that the company understands indie teams as small studios and individual developers.

The target audience of the promotion is small developers. The gifts are small, primarily useful for those teams that are just starting their journey. We want to support them in this way. Small developers are just as important to our store as large industry representatives.

Arseniy Khlebtsev

manager for the development of the Huawei ecosystem — Games

Huawei is ready to help not only with money within the framework of the program.

“We also offer developers technical support in integration and the opportunity to get a feature,” says Khlebtsev about additional assistance to developers.

The program will last until December 14, and to participate in it, you need to publish the game in AppGallery through the Unity Distribution Portal.

Recall that the feature of AppGallery is the size of the commission. It is 15% instead of the standard 30%. Thus, developers receive 85% of revenue from each sale.

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