The original version of Heroes Charge turned out to be a real box office blockbuster in the Middle Kingdom last November. The game has overtaken both the Asian hit Pop Star and all the products of the giant Tencent in financial terms.

Heroes Charge стал самой кассовой Android-игрой в Китае

Illustration: Heroes ChargeAt least, this can be judged by looking at the latest Newzoo report, in which Dota Legend (aka Turret Legend, aka Heroes Charge) tops the Top 10 Android games in China in the penultimate month of 2014.



To be honest, at first we thought Dota Legend was a clone of “heroes”, but the project came out six months earlier than Heroes Charge. Based on this, as well as the fact that the difference between the titles mainly boils down to a different approach to the cut of the characters’ eyes, we came to the conclusion that, most likely, uCool acquired the rights to localization, adaptation and support of the original title from Longtu Game.  

Here are some screenshots to compare the original and the Western version of the game:


At the top – Dota Legend, at the bottom – Heroes ChargeAnother example:


At the top – Dota Legend, at the bottom – Heroes ChargeAnd more:


At the top – Dota Legend, at the bottom – Heroes ChargeMore is here.

So it turns out that the Chinese expansion into the Western market continues.

UPDATE: as readers suggest, it is definitely not worth talking about the blood relationship of the projects. It may well be that after all, a clone of the Heroes Charge Chinese project.  

Longtu Game is a Chinese publisher of web and mobile games. Founded in 2008.uCool is an independent American developer of web and mobile games.

Founded in 2012
