Alexey Sazonov, who was responsible for sales and marketing at Herocraft for more than eight years, left the Kaliningrad company to found his own game studio — Krabwerk.

Директор по маркетингу Herocraft Алексей Сазонов запустил собственную студию

The co-founder of the new company, which is also based in the former Konigsberg, was Sergey Kozyakov, art director and head of the studio that made Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf, – said Alexey.

Алексей Сазонов

Alexey Sazonov
It is still a secret which titles Krabwerk will create.

But in a conversation with us, Alexey noted that “there are at least a couple of genres where innovations are overdue, and I want to prove myself in them. In a sense, it’s a bit naive to say “I want to make a game that no one has done for me for many years for some reason.” But if we are talking about a genre with 100+ million players, then it turns out to be a good business case.”

When asked about the reasons for leaving Herocraft, Alexey replied that the mere fact that he had worked in the same company for about eight and a half years was quite enough: “sometimes you have to change something in life: you can’t buy a motorcycle, by God!“.

At Herocraft, Sazonov was also responsible for marketing and producing Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf, which received a feature and the main banner in the App Store in more than 60 countries.
