Princess Punt Sweets

Japanese GungHo boasts not only the success of the billionaire Puzzle & Dragons game. Her Princess Punt Sweets recently had 8 million downloads.

This mark was reached by the game in a year and a half (Princess Punt Sweets was released six months later after Puzzle & Dragons). Is this a good result? It depends on which side you look at it from.

8 million is a big number. It may seem even more significant if we take into account the fact that today it is present only in two local markets – Japanese and Korean.

On the other hand:

  • Modern mobile blockbusters are gaining a comparable number of downloads in weeks;
  • The previous project GungHo collected 25 million downloads in two years in Japan alone;
  • part of the traffic that Puzzle & Dragons accumulated, in any case, went to Princess Punt Sweets.

Therefore, a more interesting question for us was the following: how successfully the game about the princess monetized this traffic.

In terms of downloads, the game has been stormy for two years. She was constantly “walking” in the top between the Top 3 and Top 250.


Dynamics of the position in the free top of the Princess Punt Sweets apps (iPhone App Store Japan)

Curiously, the download history of Puzzle & Dragons is much more permanent.


Dynamics of the position in the free top of Puzzle & Dragons apps (iPhone App Store Japan)

As for the box office figures, Princess Punt Sweets was more stable in this regard, rarely falling out of the Top 40.


Dynamics of the position in the cash top of the Princess Punt Sweets apps (iPhone App Store Japan)

Although, if compared with Puzzle & Dragons, then, of course, the indicators are incomparable.


Dynamics of the position in the cash top of Puzzle & Dragons apps (iPhone App Store Japan)

If we draw a red line under all this, Princess Punt Sweets, in terms of revenue, turned out to be, as it seems to us, quite a successful project. Our assumption is confirmed by the fact that, according to rumors, GungHo is currently working on localization of the game for English-speaking markets.

And a few words about Princess Punt Sweets itself. This is, in a nutshell, the Angry Birds role-playing game. The role of a slingshot in the game is played by a princess, and knights play the role of birds. The princess kicks the knight, the knight flies into the monster and bludgeons him. For the levels, the player gets experience and money that can be spent on improving the princess and knights.

