Google held the first Ara Developers Conference dedicated to the Ara project, an innovative modular smartphone. 

About 200 representatives of companies interested in the development of spare parts and components for the new device gathered at the event. 

The modular phone consists of a frame / endoskeleton (three basic types are planned, differing in size from each other). With the help of special magnets of the UniPro standard, you can put everything on it that “your heart desires”: a suitable screen, processor, battery, camera, and so on. The development of Ara is led by Motorola employees.

The cost of the first version of Ara under the working name Grey Phone will be about $ 50.

We are also interested in the following: will such devices become popular in the future, and if so, is it time to grab your head on the eve of the return of the strongest fragmentation of the Android smartphone market, or will everything work out?

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