The developer and publisher of mobile games Game Insight is leaving Russia. The company liquidates the organization and fires people. Some people are invited to support existing products in a new LLC.

Data on self-destruction comes from various channels. The company itself has not yet issued an official statement.

Two independent sources shared with notifications of dismissal in connection with the liquidation of GAME INSIGHT LLC. The editorial office also received a voice message from a former employee confirming this information.

It is also reported that:

  • there was no appeal with explanations from the management;
  • the managers did not know about the impending closure;
  • one of the company’s HR stated in the GoGameInsight general chat that “the company does not have the funds to pay off its obligations.” We are talking, among other things, about wages for June;
  • after sending out notifications, “the company began to massively disconnect employees from the corporate messenger and services” (including Slack and VPN, so that all correspondence between employees moved to Telegram).

One of the experts who closely communicates with the company’s management explains the situation with sanctions. In early May, Lithuania, where the headquarters of Game Insight is registered, recognized Russia as a terrorist state.

The expert’s words are confirmed by one of the former employees of the company. According to him, immediately after the statement of the Lithuanian Seimas, the top management of Game Insight quit in order to avoid reputational risks. He created a new game studio engaged in the development of a console project.

Important: Anatoly Ropotov, who has been the head of Game Insight for the last 7 years, really left it in April of this year. Today he is listed as the founder and CEO of the London studio UltraHorse Ent.

At the same time, all the Russian assets of Game Insight were transferred to a new top management, whom no one in the company previously knew. He was tasked with legally liquidating the organization.

Also, the new top management has created a new Russian LLC, whose employees will support previously released Game Insight games in their current state. Some of the employees received a letter from this company with an offer to join it immediately after dismissal.

At the disposal of I got this letter.

Until recently, the company had about 600 employees in four Russian offices (in Taganrog, Murmansk, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod). However, at the time of liquidation, there could be fewer of them. For the last couple of months, Game Insight has been laying off 10-15 people a week.

At the moment, the development teams of individual Game Insight products are negotiating with third-party studios about the transition of entire teams.

What will become of the Lithuanian office of Game Insight is unclear.

According to the AppMagic analytical service, the company’s revenue from the IAP for May amounted to around $1.5 million, taking into account the deduction of the share of stores and taxes.
