The president of Blizzard gaming company Mike Morhaime (Mike Morhaime) said that he opened the studio thanks to a loan of $ 15 thousand, which was given to him by his grandmother Mildred Miller (Mildred Miller) in 1991.

He announced this during a Twitch stream dedicated to the November 2017 BlizzCon festival.

Mildred did not impose interest on her grandson, but according to the contract, Michael had to repay the debt monthly, returning $ 100 to his grandmother.

A piece of paper with the terms of the “loan contract” is still kept by the president of Blizzard.

“My grandparents have always been very supportive of me. Grandma wasn’t a gamer and didn’t play my games, but I know she was always very proud of everything I do,” Morheim added.

He advised all novice participants of the gaming industry not to be afraid of the unknown and just focus on creating games.

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