Game of War - Fire Age

The editor asked this question the other day John Jordan (Jon Jordan). He didn’t get an answer to the question, but he calculated the average time it takes for his favorite projects to load. 

The sample was, to put it mildly, not the most objective, but you can see the results of his calculations just below. 


Average download time of 10 F2P mobile games based on the results of 10 sessions. The method was simple – John kept track of how much it takes to download the game on iPad 3 (how many seconds pass from the moment you click on the icon to the gameplay itself).


We are at we also decided to conduct an experiment to calculate the average loading time. But we decided to conduct the test in, let’s say, almost ideal conditions: high-speed Wi-Fi and iPhone 5S as a test device. Our criterion for choosing games was their presence in the Russian top ten of the App Store. The time from clicking on the icon to loading the menu/gameplay was detected. 

And that’s what we got: 


It seems to us that this is an excellent criterion for understanding how much a popular F2P game should load in, conditionally, ideal conditions.

As for the answer to the question raised by Jordan, it seems to us that there can only be one answer: yes, it does. If you know that it will take you a minute just to load the game, you will most likely launch another game in which you will not have to look at the loading screen for a long time. 
