Right now (on Saturday morning, December 7), a game conference for developers and publishers DevGAMM Kiev 2013 (formerly FlashGamm) is opening in Kiev at the Rus Hotel.

As of Friday evening, as Alexandra Skripka, the Event & PR Executive of Renatus Media, acting as the organizer of the event, informed us, the number of registrations for the conference exceeded 1300. The majority (70-80%) are developers from the CIS. 

When asked if the revolution would interfere with the holding of the event, Alexandra sent this picture. 

Apparently, it wouldn’t hurt.

Lerika Mallayeva, the director of the conference, also noted that the cardinal difference from FlashGamm (apart from the change of the name and owner of the event, as we have already written) was “a cardinal growth, not only the number of participants, but also the quality of the event itself – more reports for developers from professionals, added an exhibition of Gamm games:Play (so developers have more opportunities to present their projects)“.

The conference schedule for today is slightly lower. Yes, a little later we will try to post a live video broadcast from the event. 
