The Russian government will not introduce revolving fines in case of repeated violations of the legislation by IT companies. This is the position of Maxim Akimov, Deputy Prime Minister for digitalization of the economy.

The official told Interfax about this on the sidelines of the investment forum “Russia is calling!”.

There is no such bill in the government yet. We don't have such plans.

Maxim Akimov

Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalization of the Russian economy

Recall that the other day, the Reuters edition, citing three sources (an employee of a Russian company, an employee of a foreign company and a representative of an unnamed industry association), stated that the Russian authorities plan to seriously increase fines for technology companies.

It was also about turnover fines from those market participants who repeatedly failed to comply with the requirements of Russian legislation. In particular, they did not remove links to blocked resources from the issue, did not provide data to the special services on demand, and also did not transfer the personal data of Russian users to servers inside the country.

The fine, which, according to Reuters, the Presidential Administration and Roskomnadzor are working on, can reach 1% of the company’s turnover in Russia. At the same time, the minimum payment would be 1.5 million rubles.

Also on the topic:

 forumspb.comSource: Interfax
