On February 12-13, the next White Nights will be held in the German capital. There will be a public interview with the head of the mobile division of Wargaming. We suggest coming up with a few questions for him. We will award two authors of the best selections with a premium ticket.

Kit KawahataAbout the speaker

For the last two and a half years, Keith Kawahata has been responsible for mobile projects in Wargaming. During this time, the Wargaming Mobile team has released mobile sea battles World of Warships Blitz, continues to develop Gods&Glory, and World of Tanks Blitz has reached 100 million downloads. But Keaton has been working in the gaming industry for much more — about ten years.

He started as a sales manager at Aeria Games, an American digital distributor of MMO games. Then in the company he was engaged, among other things, in the implementation and pricing policy of fritupley titles.

After that, Keith worked for Kabam for several years. At first, he was the director of Kingdoms of Camelot, one of the first super-successful “travians” on mobile. A few years later, he was transferred to the position of vice president of the company for revenue.

During his career, Keith also managed to work in the American division of GREE as Vice president of Product and CEO of the LTV group. The latter was engaged in system design, UX, and even merchandising.

By the way, Keith has a very unusual background for the industry. Before he started playing games, he served five years in the United States military. Kawahata rose to the rank of sergeant in the special operations unit in Iraq.

About the format

A public interview or Fireside chat is an interview on the conference stage, where both the host and the audience ask questions to the guest.

The conference organizer and Nevosoft Business Development Director Yulia Lebedeva will act as the moderator. In her conversation, she will take into account, among other things, the questions that are asked under this publication.

Terms of the competition

Write questions for a public interview on your social network page by sharing a link to this publication (IMPORTANT: the link must be active until February 12).

In the comments under this material, write “I participate in the contest” and leave a link to your post.

We will announce the names of the two winners after 18.00 on Wednesday, January 30, right there in the comments.
