A public interview with Alexander Willink, CEO of Voodoo in Berlin, will take place at White Nights Berlin 2019. We suggest asking him questions. The authors of the top two will receive a premium ticket to the conference.

Helix Jump, the main blockbuster of Voodoo and WillnikAbout the speaker

Alexander got into the industry “in a roundabout way”. He started out as a fashion photographer, shooting fashion shows. Then he founded a company that was engaged in the design of premises and houses — Woodstock Imports.

In his company, Alexander was responsible not only for the general management. He devoted most of his time to her website — creation, promotion, and traffic analysis.

The latter fascinated him so much that he started his career in mobile in 2011 from the position of account manager at the Mediafed marketing agency. By the way, in parallel with this, he experimented with launching his own applications in the App Store.

History is silent about which of the described played a decisive role, but already in 2013 Alexander finds himself at Apple. Here he has been responsible for promoting iAd among developers for three years. Willnick himself calls himself an evangelist of the advertising service at that time.

The experience and connections gained made him a valuable employee for mobile publishers. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 2016 he was lured to the position of head of the company for strategic partnerships by Gram Games.

Two years later, he helps sell the Turkish company to the Americans from Zynga for $250 million. After that, Alexander leaves Gram Games specializing in merge games and becomes the head of Berlin’s Voodoo, the main forge of hyper-casual games.

About the format

A public interview or Fireside chat is an interview on the conference stage, where both the host and the audience ask questions to the guest.

The conference organizer and Nevosoft Business Development Director Yulia Lebedeva will act as the moderator. In her conversation, she will take into account, among other things, the questions that are asked under this publication.

Terms of the competition

Write questions for a public interview on your social network page by sharing a link to this publication.

In the comments under this material, write “I participate in the contest” and leave a link to your post.

We will announce the names of the two winners after 18.00 on Friday, January 25, right there in the comments.
