Blizzard President Michael Morhaime announced his intention to attract new personnel by recruiting women and representatives of social minorities as part of the program “increasing diversity and engagement”.

The company’s first task will be to increase the proportion of women in Blizzard’s staff to 21% and above.

Morheim clarified that he does not want to introduce quotas for the mandatory number of employees according to gender and social criteria, so the company will look for new colleagues by cooperating with universities, professional conferences and non-profit organizations such as Girls Who Code (an association engaged in popularization and training of girls in computer science).

When the first stage is completed, Blizzard will extend the “diversity and engagement” program to social minority groups, whose members now make up 14% of the company’s team.

Blizzard supports a policy of equal rights and opportunities for all members of society. The company was one of the first to oppose the decision of US President Donald Trump to restrict the entry of representatives of a number of states into the country.

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