The author of Hearthstone and Overwatch may be preparing his second mobile game. The company is looking for a programmer who will create development tools for a gaming mobile.

The vacancy says that the future employee will help Blizzard in the development of mobile gaming and will be responsible for the development of packages that will help the work of designers and artists. Among the requirements: knowledge of C#, SQL, game development processes and the ability to work in small teams.

Speculation about a new project arose because a vacancy opened in the Incubation division, and not in the Hearthstone team.

Blizzard in vacancies always indicates which project a person is looking for. If we were talking about Hearthstone, then the company would have written about it nine times in the vacancy (as, for example, it did in this case).

According to the user Nirolak on NeoGAF, who was the first to notice the vacancy, Incubation is in Blizzard and is responsible for new games.

In total, the company has 41 divisions, including such curious ones as Classic Games and Unannounced Project. In the first, they are working on a remaster of StarCraft, in the second on an unannounced first-person game.

A source: NeoGAF
