The head of the gaming platform of the social network “Odnoklassniki” left Mail.Ru Group. This was announced by Arthur himself on his Facebook page. In the same place, he stated that he was not voluntarily leaving the post and that he no longer had access to his work contacts.

As far as we can understand from the post, most likely, we are talking about dismissal. Jackalis does not mention any health problems or personal circumstances. On the contrary, he writes that he is currently open to suggestions. However, now he is going to rest for at least a month.

In the official comment for The social network noted that now Egor Danilov will be responsible for the direction of the Jackalis.

Egor Danilov
Danilov is the current deputy head of Odnoklassniki.

His position will not change, “he will take up games together with other areas.”

In Mail.Ru Group Arthur worked for eight years. Most of the time he was the head of gaming initiatives within Odnoklassniki.

The social network does not specify what exactly the departure of the Jackalis is connected with. However, he declares that he wishes him success and sincerely thanks him for the years of work in the company.


  • There was a comment from Odnoklassniki clarifying who will take Arthur’s position and editing the deadline, how long he worked in the social network.
