Last week, the analytical company App Annie presented the Russian mobile market index, telling about the main events of the domestic App Store and Google Play of the past July.


Russia is currently one of the world’s largest markets for app downloads. It is also one of the most unique markets, as world leaders in it face the strongest competition from local companies. Starting with search services and social networks, and ending with maps and music – the applications that dominate in Russia are seriously different from the world leaders,” the report begins with these words. Unfortunately, the company, as usual, does not give specific figures for downloads or revenues.

Despite the fact that App Annie asserts the identity of the market, the latter is mainly manifested in the “boot” segment. The leaders in total installations among companies in July were Mail.Ru Group and Yandex.

But in the box office chart, the top six positions are not too different from the usual picture for the Western market: Supercell, Machine Zone, Tap4Fun, EA, Kabam and Gameloft. In seventh place, you can see Game Insight, which was a Russian company a couple of months ago. Also, the company LitErs entered the tops in terms of revenue.

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One of the main events of June-July in the Russian “apple” store was the return of the mobile application of the VK social network, removed by Apple in the middle of spring. Less than a day after its appearance in the store, it was already in the top five applications by the number of downloads. Where, in fact, it is still located.  

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We were surprised by another moment, completely unrelated to the games. In Russia, some of the highest-grossing applications outside the gaming segment, according to App Annie, are: Read! and Listen! from LitErs, and . The first two relate to the book market, the latter is a local film distributor. Moreover, it is the first two points that suggest that the translation into Russian of interactive fiction, which is full of English-language storages, may make sense.

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One of the most curious discoveries of the publication was that the “Strategy” subcategory in Russia earns more money than any other gaming subcategory. This is especially evident from the fact that six out of ten top-grossing games on Google Play are strategies.  Three more relate to role-playing games.

For comparison, in July in the USA, there were only three strategies and one role-playing game in the box office top of Google Play. In other words, the Russian audience can be safely called more hardcore. It is significant that the Android version of Boom Beach, which appeared on Google Play in mid-June, reached higher positions in the box office top in Russia than in the USA.

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A little more about strategy: Game of War – Fire Age from Machine Zone dropped the Finnish Clash of Clans from the top of the iOS box office in July, thereby becoming the highest-grossing mobile application on the Russian market in July.

Well, a few facts “for show”.

  1. At the end of June , the company was launched The game World of Tanks Blitz, a mobile version of the desktop and console MMO World of Tanks, which earned more than World of Warcraft last year. The launch of the mobile version was no less impressive. For a whole month, the game stayed in the Russian box office Top 10.
  2. In June, eight projects were listed by international companies in the domestic Top 10 free games. However, the first place was taken by the local project Test Brain Age from Almaz Kamaletdinov, reminiscent of Brain Age from Nintendo.
  3. In July, the Top 10 downloads also included Zynga’s Jenga and Vivid Games’ Real Boxing. In both cases, the reason for the increase in downloads was that the games became free for a short time. Also in July, French’s World, Stick Death and Transformers: Age of Extinction were prominent in the tops.

App Annie Business Development Manager in Russia and CIS countries Leonid Yeletskikh to the question , does App Annie plan to make indexes for Russia every month?:


 Leonid Yeletskikh “We make indexes consistently once a month.

There is a “standard set” of verticals around the world.  There are more additions, for example, last month there was England, this year – Russia. In the future, we will increase our presence in the region, but significant events in the market are not enough for the monthly Russian index yet.”

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