The movie “Angry Birds in the cinema” earned $150 million worldwide. This is twice as much as they spent on creating the painting. Does this mean that the film has paid off?


According to the New York Times, the total fees of “Angry Birds in the cinema” since its release on May 12 amount to $ 150 million. Only in the American box office, where the film appeared on May 20, the box office has already reached $ 39 million.

Rovio spent $73 million to create “Angry Birds in the Cinema”, according to the LA Times. Plus, $100 million to promote the film came from Sony. Finns spent another $300 million on joint campaigns with the McDonald’s chain and other large firms.

The LA Times estimates the final cost of promoting the film at $400 million.

That is, in total, $473 million was spent on “Angry Birds in the cinema”. This means that the film has not yet recouped even half of the investment.

Meanwhile, failure with the film can cost the Finnish studio dearly, since things are not rosy for Rovio. At the end of 2015, the company went into negative territory: the operating loss amounted to €13 million.

