The Indian government has taken the fight against Chinese mobile apps to a new level. Simply blocking unwanted games and services was not enough. Now the local regulator has announced their permanent ban on the territory of the country. 59 applications, including TikTok, fell under such harsh measures.

This was reported by Reuters with reference to the Times of India newspaper. Moreover, according to the portal, the country’s authorities have been thinking about introducing a ban since last summer.

Recall: the first blocking of mobile applications developed by Chinese companies began in June 2020. They occurred against the background of clashes in the Galvan Valley — on the border territory between India and China. Immediately after the conflict, the Indian government blocked 59 applications. The authorities cited damage to the sovereignty and integrity of India as the reason. They say that the Chinese secretly transferred the personal information of Indian users to servers outside India.

However, as Reuters wrote, at the same time in June, the Indian regulator gave an opportunity to developers from China to explain their unscrupulous behavior. The deadline for responding to this request expired just last week.

None of the Chinese developers managed to justify themselves. Therefore, now all 59 applications, among which there are also TikTok and WeChat, have officially been permanently banned in India.

It is not reported whether this ban will affect another 161 applications that were banned later.
