In the third quarter of 2014, the Chinese mobile games market earned $1.1 billion. This is 9% more than in the second quarter of this year and 73% more than in the third quarter of 2013, – the analytical company iResearch reports.

За три месяца мобильные игры в Китае заработали больше $1 млрд

In just nine months of this year, the Chinese mobile games market generated $3.1 billion. It is quite possible that by the end of the year, the market’s revenue will exceed the $4 billion mark.


At the same time, the growth rate of the market began to decline. If the revenue of the 1st quarter of 2014 was 120% of the revenue for the same period last year, then in the second quarter it decreased to 108%, and in the third – to the mentioned 73%. This allowed iResearch to conclude that the Chinese market has reached maturity.

A total of 4,342 mobile games were released in China in the third quarter. There are 2,182 companies developing mobile games in China. However, Tencent is responsible for half of the mobile gaming market.


In this context, the segmentation of Tencent games by genre looks very interesting. The company’s library is dominated by card/chess, as well as role-playing games.


iResearch is an analytical and consulting company specializing in Internet media, e-commerce, online games in China. Founded in 2002. The head office is located in Shanghai.
