Job search service in the gaming industry published an infographic. It contains charts of the most popular vacancies, locations and the most active employers.

The key figure of the report is 10 thousand. That’s how many candidates the service has been able to attract since its launch in March 2019. It is noted that 350 employers are currently cooperating with the service.

The most interesting thing in infographics is the chart of popular vacancies. In the first place here are 2D and 3D artists. Job seekers are also actively looking for vacancies related to game design and testing.

As for the places where employees are usually looking for, there are no surprises here. The largest number of vacancies is now open in Moscow. However, many companies today allow you to work remotely.

The most active company in the labor market, judging by the number of vacancies that opened on , last year was MY.GAMES (previously Mail.Ru Group).

Also, representatives of the service noted that in 2019, the team I was engaged not only in the development of the resource. She managed to:

  • to hold two conferences for gaming specialists under the Talents In Games brand (in St. Petersburg and Minsk);
  • three HR business breakfasts (in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Minsk);
  • and also collected data for two large-scale studies and established the Game Dev HR Awards.

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