Although the new project of Boss Key Productions studio is called Radical Heights, i.e. “radical heights”, the attendance of the game so far suggests the opposite. In two weeks since the launch, the simultaneous audience of the online action movie has decreased from 12.5 to 2.2 thousand people.

The drop in online gaming was 82%, according to the analytical platform GitHyp.

Online Radical Heights in the first two weeks, GitHyp
Boss Key launched Radical Heights shortly after they refused to develop their debut project, the heroic shooter LawBreakers.

The release of LawBreakers took place last summer. The game failed to attract enough gamers despite all the efforts of the developers to breathe life into the project.

Radical Heights was released on Steam Early Access on April 10. The game received mixed reviews. Critics appreciated the unusual visual style and fun gameplay, but were dissatisfied with the weak optimization and a lot of flaws in the project.

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