The Unity engine is not the easiest tool to learn. The company understands this and, given the increasing competition from Unreal Engine, they are trying to lower the entry threshold for new users. The recent launch of several Creator Kit just fits into this strategy.

Creator Kit is a bundle of a set of assets and a tutorial. It is assumed that with the help of the whale, beginners will understand the Unity interface, and also try to create their first game without using code.

There are three whales in total. Each of them, in addition to familiarizing with the basics, is designed to help deal with one or another aspect of the engine. Creator Kit: Puzzle will teach you how to work with the physics of objects, Creator Kit: RPG will introduce you to the two-dimensional capabilities of Unity, and Creator Kit: FPS will tell you how to assemble levels for first-person shooters.

All tools are free.

Unity developers have a good reaction to the new products, but proposals have already been received to prepare whales for more advanced users who would explain how, for example, to configure the search for ways for AI.

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