The foliage is already turning yellow outside the window, although the calendar still shows summer. We hope that you, unlike us, still noticed him. But enough about the weather, here is our list of the main materials for the last working week of the summer.

Главное за рабочую неделю

Why does a gaming company need PR?

Zachem-igrovoj-kompanii-piarWhy novice gaming companies should not engage in aggressive B2B PR, and it is desirable for market experts to do this, – Sergey Babaev, Director of Business Development at Nekki and mentor of the Games Market section at Zuckerberg Will Call, told the audience.

Kate Upton quarreled with Machine Zone and Kabam

Kejt-Apton-possorila-Machine-Zone-i-KabamTwo of the world’s largest companies specializing in the development of mobile strategy games are preparing for trial. We drank too well at a Casual Connect party and had a fight over a girl.

Rovio goes for restructuring and dismisses 260 employees

Rovio-idet-na-restrukturizatsiyu-i-uvol-nyaet-260-sotrudnikovThe creators of the Angry Birds series have announced the beginning of a restructuring of their business, in which the company plans to lay off up to 260 people.

How to draw a city map?

Как нарисовать карту городаCartographer of “Songs of Ice and Fire” John Roberts (Jon Roberts) in his blog told how to draw a map of the city correctly. It seemed to us that this topic might be interesting, including for mobile game developers, and we translated the material into Russian.

Who’s Who: 9-kylins

Kto-est-kto-9-kylinsWhat difficulties are faced by the teams of the Celestial Empire coming to the Russian market – within the framework of the “Who’s Who” cycle of the editorial office told the Chinese company 9-kylins.

Amazon has started paying developers for the time spent in the app by players

Amazon начала выплачивать разработчикам за время, проведенное в приложении игрокамиAmazon is willing to pay $0.002 to developers per minute spent by each user in the game.
