The central events and the best materials of the past week in our traditional weekly compilation.

The first mobile games for VKontakte appeared in the App Store and Google PlayThe first games for the mobile gaming platform of the VKontakte social network appeared on the windows of the App Store and Google Play.


Fiksu: The average CPI in the US on iOS is $1.28 and $1.30 on Google PlayThe analytical company Fiksu has presented a fresh report on the state of marketing prices in the American mobile application market.


Why is it not worth buying installations when buying traffic?Analysts from AppInTop told in their column on App2Top.ru why, when buying traffic, you do not need to look towards the CPI.


In October 2014, three game development conferences will be held on the territory of the former CCCPThe announcement of as many as three major industrial events that will take place on the territory of the former USSR this October took place the other day.


It’s about CREE, Live Mobile! and DevGAMM.

Twitter ads have provided TwoDots with more than 1 million downloadsYesterday, June 30, a mobile advertising service based on Twitter was officially launched.


Its beta version helped the TwoDots game gain more than 1 million downloads.

How to work with CPI networks to get the highest quality installations?Alexey Pisarevsky , CEO of Mobio advertising agency , told App2Top.ru why you should not abandon the CPI model, as well as how to buy the installation correctly.


Apple has published a list of the best games for JuneThe Apple company continued the practice of publishing a selection of the best applications for the month.


Let’s see who got into it in Russia in June.

Mail.ru doesn’t want to pay taxes with IAP in free-2-play gamesDivision Mail.ru Group, engaged in the development and operation of games, filed a lawsuit against the Federal Tax Service, insisting that income from micropayments should not be subject to VAT, – reports RBC.


Newzoo: the Russian market is more promising than German and Spanish”The Russian gaming market is no less intriguing than the Chinese one,” said the CEO of Newzoo, commenting on the latest research of the analytical company, also noting that the gaming markets of Germany, France and Spain are less promising.


Photo: Jeffrey Lee/Flickr
