Conferences 04.05.2018 15:13 04.05.2018 15:13 Lyuba Borodulina White Nights Prague 2018: Kate Edwards on the path of the gaming industry Published by Lyuba Borodulina Tags: developer exhibition,gamedev,Geogrify,White Nights,white nights 2018,White Nights Prague 2018,whitenightsprague,wn conference 2018,wnconf,wnconf 2018,wnconfprague A report by Kate Edwards from Geogrify. During her 25-year career in gaming, Kate has witnessed the development of the gaming industry, which has become a real cultural and economic force in a global society. Tags: developer exhibitiongamedevGeogrifyWhite Nightswhite nights 2018White Nights Prague 2018whitenightspraguewn conference 2018wnconfwnconf 2018wnconfprague