Retaining users and acquiring them has never cost more than it does now. This conclusion is made by the analytical company Fiksu based on its own data.


The cost per installation (CPI) and launch cost (CPL) have especially increased over the past April. For iOS, the CPI increased by 39% and amounted to $2.13, for Android – by 20% and reached $2.08. The CPL index for Apple devices increased by 34% over the month and is equal to $0.41. For Android, these figures are 44% and $0.34, respectively.


In total, the CPL for iOS increased by 75% over the year, and for Android – by 169%. The CPI index in the case of Apple increased by 54%, with Android – by 59%, respectively.


What should mobile developers do in this situation? Fiksu analysts are sure that the way out is in the redistribution of the budget. It is necessary to invest in more expensive, but also more effective means. If we talk about the advertising platform, then it’s Facebook, and if we talk about the format, then video advertising.

Another piece of advice given by the company is to use retargeting as actively as possible to attract existing inactive users to the application. This will increase the number of IAPs and increase the profit generated by the application.

A source:

Other materials:

  • Fiksu has offered a mobile retargeting tool
