The premiere of the documentary show “New World with Nina Serebryannikova” took place on YouTube. The first series is dedicated to the life of the Russian-speaking IT community — including gaming — in Cyprus. Among the speakers is the Minister of Innovation and Digital Legislation of the island.

He just named the figure of 2,500 Russian-speaking IT specialists who arrived. Also, according to him, there is a limit on the number of people that Cyprus can currently accept and “absorb” — 5,000 people.

Other interlocutors of the presenter include Skyeng investor, Home Games team leader, Cyprus IT Forum organizer and former director of Strategic Partnership at RJ Games, and today an “IT hiller”.

The project “New World” is positioned as a series of large films that are released every few months. One series is one country. The plans include issues about the life of Russian—speaking IT specialists in Israel, Armenia, Georgia, the UAE and the USA.

In addition to films, the authors will post 20-minute interviews. It is assumed that on the YouTube channel of the “New World” pictures about the life of the Russian-speaking IT community will just alternate with exclusively conversational releases.

The production of the show is handled by the outsourcing company Skyway lab. Its co-founder and business development director Alexey Yemelyanov is the producer of the series.

By the way, the project is positioned as the first documentary show with NFT. Token holders get the opportunity to influence its future. They can vote for future locations, heroes, and questions.
