We continue the weekly publication of selected vacancies. Their selection makes for App2Top.ru Tanya Evdokimenko, HR and recruiting expert, founder of VALUES VALUE.
Monopolist of the Week:
G5 Entertainment AB (Kharkiv, Moscow, Lviv and Kaliningrad)
The company is growing very actively, over the past week 17 (!) new positions from a Swedish company with development centers in Russia and Ukraine appeared in the vacancies section.
The guys are looking for WEB designers, C++ developers, 2D artists, Junior QA, 3D Modelers, Level/Game designers.
All vacancies of the company can be found at the link: /company/26

Analytical vacancy of the week:
Judging by the description, the analyst at Nevosoft is a very influential figure. This person is not just responsible for the numbers and their processing, but a reliable support and engine of the project. A successful employee will not only assess the current situation, but also correct it, offer new opportunities for the development of the game. I think the vacancy will be interesting to analysts who do not want to work only with figures and state facts, but also directly influence the prosperity of the project.
- experience in the gaming industry as an analyst/game designer/marketer;
- practical experience in analyzing a large array of data;
- excellent command of basic analytics tools;
- understand the principles of development and monetization of mobile and social games;
- be aware of all the trends in the gaming market and be able to see the player and his needs behind the numbers.