Wanted: a leading designer at Pixonic, a buyer of Facebook traffic at Cubic Games and a machine learning specialist at Banzai Games.

Vacancies of the week were prepared for App2Top by Alina Mudraya, Head of Recruitment at VALUES VALUE company. A list of all open vacancies is available here.

Alina the WiseGame Design-vacancy of the week:

Level Designer, Pixonic (Moscow)

The creators of the mobile game War Robots, whose downloads recently reached the 100 million mark, are looking for a level designer to join their team.

He will have to maintain and improve existing game maps and modes, design new ones, work with statistics and analytical tools.

At Pixonic, the ideal candidate is promised the opportunity to realize his ideas in games with a multi-million audience, a constant exchange of experience with top industry specialists, as well as a pleasant set of bonuses in the form of free breakfasts and lunches, extended VMI and a subscription to the A+ class fitness club.


  • experience in creating levels/maps (including mods);
  • great gaming experience in competitive online games (MOBA, Action, Shooter);
  • experience working with Unity or similar game engines;
  • experience in writing technical documentation;
  • basic knowledge of programming and 3D graphics (for effective communication with programmers and artists);
  • critical thinking.

Additional requirements will be:

  • understanding the basics of f2p game models;
  • higher technical education;
  • technical english;
  • experience with version control systems (git), understanding of gitflow;
  • experience with task trackers (Jira);
  • knowledge of graphic editors;
  • a general idea of Agile (Scrum, Kanban).

Marketing-vacancy of the week:

Senior Facebook UA, Cubic Games (Moscow)

The authors of the successful mobile shooter PixelGun 3D, who have many years of experience in game development, went in search of Senior Facebook Media Buyer.

He will be engaged in the creation and launch of advertising campaigns on Facebook, optimization of advertising campaigns, as well as analyze their effectiveness in order to maximize ROAS. The new specialist will have to regularly test creatives (video / static), put technical specifications to the design department.

For candidates from other cities, Cubic Games provides assistance with moving to Moscow.


  • experience in purchasing WW traffic via Facebook;
  • Instagram Facebook Feed, Stories, AN experience working with the main placements (Facebook Feed, Instagram Feed, AN);
  • experience working with audiences (custom audiences, LaL, using Analytics);
  • experience working with budgets from $ 100,000/month;
  • knowledge of AppsFlyer and other analytical systems;
  • excellent knowledge of Microsoft Excel or analogs.

Technical vacancy of the week:

Machine learning engineer, Banzai Games (Moscow)

Moscow game development studio Banzai Games is looking for a specialist who will help apply artificial intelligence in one of the company’s projects. “We have an idea how to apply AI based on neural networks to our project, we are ready to provide information on how to get the necessary data, to help with this. There is an understanding of what we want to upload to the neural network at the input and what to receive at the output,” the guys clarify.

Machine learning engineer will have to develop an AI system based on neural networks and integrate it into a user application. You will need to choose libraries, neural network architecture, conduct training, debugging and embedding into the program (at the level of receiving input and output data).

The company considers candidates with different professional levels.


  • Courses/education on neural networks and machine learning;
  • Education: mathematics, applied mathematics, physics;
  • Knowledge of C++.
