News September 28, 2023 Township is 10 years old. Its revenue exceeded $2 billion Farmer Town planner Township celebrates its tenth anniversary — its release on smartphones took place in the fall of 2013. In honor of this, Playrix has shared new data on the performance of the game.
Analytics April 16, 2021 Sensor Tower: How the Season pass affected sales in Lords Mobile, Clash of Clans and Township The mechanics of season passes have gained popularity due to the success of Fortnite and PUBG Mobile. But not only these games have made good money on it. Sensor Tower analysts told what other mobile projects managed to seriously increase revenue after the introduction of seasonal passes. There is a game from Playrix in the list.
Industry November 24, 2015 Playrix: China is the second most profitable market for us after the USA The authors of Township told about the creation of the project, about how work with remote employees is built, and also shared the history of the launch in China.