According to the results of the first quarter of 2013, 3 million Windows-based tablets were shipped. This is 7.5% of the global market of “tablets”. 

But compared to the indicators of the market leaders (iOS – 19.5 million, Android – 17.6 million), this is not so much.

On the other hand, for comparison, a year ago Google had only 6.4 million devices delivered. That is, as they say, nothing is impossible. In 2014, if a miracle happens, Microsoft will ship a lot more devices per quarter. But we don’t believe it.

As for the 3 million, please note: we are talking about shipments, not sales. It is possible that most of the tablets supplied to the market by Microsoft’s una OS are now gathering dust on store shelves. 

A source: Strategy AnalyticsThe Strategy Analytics report is notable for another – a drop in Apple’s share.

The iPad now has less psychologically important 50% of the market, namely 48.2%.
