It is generally believed that the developer of paid games has only one way to make money on the project — to sell the maximum number of copies of it. But this is not the case. Ixolla identifies six additional practices that increase revenue from premium games.

1. Pre-orders

What’s it?

The opportunity to purchase a game before it goes on sale is called a pre-order.

When to launch pre-orders?

The pre-sale should be launched when the internal testing of the project has begun (before the transition of the game to alpha). At the same time, it’s time to start promoting the game.

What needs to be done for pre-order?

This is a lot of work, which includes developing a marketing strategy, launching a website, setting up a payment system and preparing a minimum number of promotional materials (text, video, screenshots, concept art).

Should indie developers make pre-orders?

Definitely yes. This will allow the developer to understand the demand for the game before the start of the project, experiment with marketing and project submission.

In general, it is necessary to create some kind of activity before the release of the game. If this is not done, no one will wait for her, and the news about the release will not make any impression.

Does it make sense to launch a pre-order for a game that will have early access?

Yes. Some teams encourage the sale of pre-orders by promising pre-access to the game. Getting content before other players for a part of the audience is a significant incentive to make a purchase. In addition, this is a good way to get valuable feedback from the community on alpha tests.

But it is very important to be careful here. If the developer presents a very raw version at the early access stage, the doubting part of the players may turn away from the project. That is why private access is best included in expensive game packages, which are most often bought by a loyal audience that appreciates the developer.

Is it worth making a discount on the game at the pre-order stage?

By no means.

The discount can be made only after a considerable time after the release. Before the release, the discount hits pre-sales (it is better to give limited items for pre-order), at the time of release, the discount hits the main sales, a few days / weeks after the release, the discount damages the reputation and marketing of future projects.

What percentage of sales are usually accounted for by pre-orders?

This figure strongly depends on the project, but in general it fluctuates around 20-30%.

2. Special editions

What’s it?

Premium games can be sold in various configurations. For example, you can attach a soundtrack with wallpaper in wide resolution to the digital version or give a powerful unique weapon to a game character in a more expensive configuration.

What are the editions?

Usually they offer from two to four packs for purchase. The gradation, as a rule, is as follows:

  • Standard Edition;
  • Deluxe Edition;
  • Gold Edition;
  • Ultimate Edition.

What should I put in different versions of the publication?

Do not put DLC or season passes. It is better to implement them separately.

Some teams offer additional non-game content. For example, a soundtrack, sketches, a map of the world in high resolution.

However, a good solution would be a set of in-game items unique to the publication. Character clothing, a quest, a set of portraits, a virtual currency package, or even a vehicle.

How do players feel about the fact that a premium game can have multiple editions?

A Russian user is unlikely to agree to pay extra money for the digital version of the publication (although it may be worth simply offering other content, and then the conversion to expensive packages will be higher). But for a Western audience, buying a more expensive version of the game, which has additional content that cannot be obtained in any other way, is an acceptable option.

3. Bundles

What’s it?

A set of several games sold under a single price tag. Games can be from one developer / publisher, or from several.

Is it worth making a bundle at the time of release?

There are conditions that need to be taken into account.

If, for example, the studio’s previous game was popular, then it makes sense to take a closer look at Activision’s experience. At the start of sales of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, the publisher, when buying the game, gave a remaster of the first part of Modern Warfare for free.

It was a great marketing move because:

a. became an excellent news occasion for the media (thereby the launch of the new part received additional resonance);

b. the bundle turned out to be an excellent incentive to buy a novelty for those who had previously heard about the first part, but postponed its purchase.

This scenario also works outside the serial context. If the first game is not related to the second, but was popular, it can also be offered for free in the bundle as part of the launch of the novelty.

But if the game is a debut for the studio, then releasing it as part of a bundle with someone is not the best idea.

When to launch the bundle?

If you do a partner bundle (with third-party projects), it’s better not in the first year. By this point, the main tail of sales will come to naught, and participation in cooperation with someone will temporarily return interest in the product.

4. DLC

What’s it?

The abbreviation stands for downloadable content. We are talking about downloadable additional content to the game. This includes both voluminous updates, such as story missions and modes, and minor ones — new skins, portraits, any things.

Usually DLC is distributed on a paid basis, but some teams also make free add-ons, wanting to maintain the interest of that part of the audience that has not returned to the project for a long time.

Should DLC be prepared before the release of the game?

It depends on the availability of resources. Big companies, of course, even before the release of the game itself, are preparing a schedule for the release of add-ons to it.

However, if we are talking about an indie team, then in this case it is better not to waste time planning and initial development of DLC before the release of the game. In a situation with a limited amount of resources, this can affect the quality of the game.

How to make sure that the presence of paid DLC does not annoy players?

The release of DLC and its purchase must be justified for the player. It is best if the player can answer affirmatively for himself such questions as:

— is there a new valuable gaming experience in the DLC?
— is there a large amount of new high-quality content in the DLC?

The player, for example, understands why to buy the Blood and Wine supplement for the Witcher. This is a big, new story campaign with a new location. But in Crusader Kings II, players don’t understand why they are being sold heraldic shields and the ability to customize characters. The audience believes that such content should go with the game.

How much can I ask for DLC?

Depends on its size. If we are talking about a large-scale addition, it is customary to take no more than 50% of the cost of the game at the time of release.

5. Season Pass

What’s it?

A form of DLC monetization. A package of several add-ons, the purchase of which will cost the player less than the purchase of all the add-ons included in it separately.

As a rule, at the time of the start of sales of seasonal access, most of the additions from it are in development. The player gets them only with time.

For what time is the Season Pass calculated?

Usually one season ticket is six months.

How many add-ons should be included in the Season Pass and how often should they be released within it?

Season Pass is a story that is designed for big teams. Only they can prepare 2-3 volume DLC per year and regularly release small updates.

So the answer to this question depends on the size of the company and its capabilities. Ubisoft in seasonal access usually includes two large-scale DLC, before which it releases several content packs.

How much does a subscription usually cost?

Usually its cost is 70-75% of the game at the time of release.

6. Physical goods

What’s it?

Physical goods with the symbols of the game.

In which case should you think about selling merch?

Before the release of the game, there is no point in promoting merch, because at that moment it is unclear whether the game will be successful. But you can start at any time, even a few years after the release. The main thing is to understand that players have a demand for memorabilia for your game. For example, items of a charismatic hero (the witcher’s amulet) or attributes that characterize the game are well sold.

If you still expect to sell physical goods simultaneously with the release of the game, then you should think about selling the rights to create a merch (for example, Ubisoft successfully sells the rights to create physical goods for the Assassin’s Creed series) or adding some souvenir to the pre-order of the Deluxe edition so that by the release of the game you can create the necessary a batch of goods.

How do I know if merch will pay for itself?

It is not necessary to position merchandise only as an additional income from fans of the game: it can also help to advertise the game at exhibitions. In addition, since pricing is entirely the responsibility of the developer, it is possible to determine the average cost of the costs of creating and delivering goods in order to add an additional percentage to them and sell only at the request of the audience — so the developer will be able to recoup the creation of merchandising. The main thing is to create truly unique or even collectible goods, and not be limited to standard things.

What types of products are the best to enter?

Souvenir goods and clothing (not only T-shirts and caps, but also, for example, backpacks) are best sold. However, you need to understand that clothes with symbols are more likely to be bought on the Western market, and not in Russia, because our geek culture is just emerging. Accordingly, even with a strong desire, many simply will not risk buying a T-shirt with the logo of the game.


Ixolla Store supports each of the described monetization methods. This will save effort and resources for their implementation. Recall that the services of “Ixolla” work according to the revenue share model. For using any of the company’s tools, the developer deducts 5% from sales realized with the help of Ixolla services.
