With minimal edits, the Russian State Duma passed a bill in the second reading, according to which the sale of smartphones, laptops and game consoles that do not have programs developed by Russian companies pre-installed in Russia may be banned from the summer of 2020.

The first reading took place in early November. At the same time, we covered the situation in detail.

Recall that it was about amending the law “On Consumer Rights Protection”. According to the new amendment, it was proposed to “provide an opportunity” for Russian consumers to use Russian software immediately when buying computing devices.

In other words, to oblige manufacturers or sellers of equipment (this point is not specified in the bill) to pre-install Russian software on certain types of goods (again, which ones are not specified) (it is also not specified what is meant by this definition).

In the second reading, the same document was adopted with a slight amendment. She emphasizes that the bill will not apply to all types of “technically complex goods”, but only to “specified individual types”. The latter will be determined by the Government.

The third reading is next. When it will take place, there is no information. However, the Legal Department has already stated that it has no comments on it.

If the bill is adopted in the third reading, it will then have to be approved by the Federation Council. After that, the paper will be placed on the president’s desk.

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