Representatives of the Odnoklassniki social network answered the questions concerning plans to pay developers only 10% of payments made by users made by Bonus OKS.


What% of payments in games today are Bonus Okies?

About 14% of payments per month come from bonus OKi.

How many “Classmates” plan to give Bonus shackles to one ruble?

We do not disclose such information, but we will experiment to find a proportion that will suit everyone.

How will OKi be spent (OKi, Bonus OKi will be spent first, or will there be any proportion)?

First, real okies will be spent, then bonus ones.

Will the user be able to choose what to pay with (which OKAMI)?

It will not be able to, because first real money will be spent, then bonus okies.

Will the games that have implemented Bonus OKi have a guaranteed feature? What will it consist of?

Yes, the feature is supposed to. We will highlight games on the portal that have concluded a new agreement.

How will the payment be refused if the Bonus OKI is not accepted by the project?

The user will be asked to top up the account if there are not enough shackles for the purchase.

Where, in addition to Odnoklassniki, plans to Mail.Ru How to implement such a thing?

The internal currency of the OKI is only in Odnoklassniki, as well as promotions.


The head of the Odnoklassniki gaming platform, Artur Shakalis, also sent a letter to the partners of the social network today with answers to the most popular questions from developers. In addition to the ones we raised, two more very relevant ones were mentioned there, which, of course, we cannot fail to cite a little below.

Will it be possible to understand what Okami the user pays me in the game?

At the moment, there is no such possibility, but the idea is sound and we have already inserted such a feature into the development plan. I will tell you exactly how this information will be communicated when we launch it.

How will the payment be refused if the Bonus Points are not accepted by the game?

For example, the user has 100 OK and 50 bonus OK. The user is trying to buy something in the game for 150 OK. If he does this in the game that signed the DS, then the payment passes. If the user tries to buy the same product for the same amount, if the game has not signed the DS, then the bonus Oki will not be taken into account and a payment window of 50 OK will open for him.
