The recruitment agency Talents In Games has announced the launch of an open vote and invites you to take part in it. The winners will become laureates of the Game Dev HR Awards 2022.

According to the organizers, “The purpose of the vote is to highlight companies that have successfully rebuilt in the current realities, have taken care of employees and remained a desirable place for employment.”

Voting is carried out in three nominations:

  • the best support — in this nomination, the voters are invited to name the company whose HR department responded to regional crises as quickly as possible this year (promptly helped employees solve psychological, material, household and work issues);
  • the best relocation — here it is necessary to name the company that performed the relocation most efficiently, that is, the least painlessly coped with the transfer of employees and departments abroad;
  • the best employer — within the framework of this nomination, the company that is the most attractive for employment today should be named.

Voting is held until December 29 inclusive. On December 30, Talents In Games will announce its results.
