We continue to publish the results of the salary survey conducted from April to May 2023, chapter by chapter. This publication focuses on the salary levels of the average Russian-speaking game industry specialist living in Armenia.

We remind you that we are currently conducting a new salary survey. With this, we aim to collect up-to-date data on salary situations among Russian-speaking and Russian specialists. You can participate in it here:

Among Russian-speaking game industry specialists in Armenia, game designers are predominant (34%). In contrast, there is a relatively low number of programmers (8%) compared to the overall level in the Russian-speaking industry in the country. However, unlike Serbia, there are more top managers/directors here (though their percentage is higher in most countries compared to Serbia).

The main distinction from the general situation in the Russian-speaking game industry is the predominance of Senior-level specialists.

As in the case of Serbia, a notable feature of Armenia is the relatively high proportion of Russian-speaking game industry specialists aged 25 to 34 — 70%.

The average monthly expenses of Russian-speaking game industry specialists living in Armenia are higher than in Serbia but lower than in Georgia, amounting to $1,478 (with the median slightly higher at $1,500).

According to our Russian-speaking respondents, they need around $3,983 per month for a comfortable life in Armenia. The median amount is somewhat lower at $3,125.

The largest group of Russian-speaking game developers earns between $2,000 and $2,500 (20%). Notably, there's also a significant portion of specialists earning between $4,000 and $4,500 (14%).

The groups of respondents earning less than $1,000 per month in Armenia and those earning more than $6,000 per month are extremely small in our sample (at the level of statistical margin of error). This can be partly explained by the fact that developers with low salaries cannot afford to live in the country, and those with high salaries choose other regions. The average salary among Russian-speaking game industry specialists in Armenia is $2,990 (with the median at $2,700).

The share of Russian-speaking specialists dissatisfied with their salary in Armenia is one of the lowest (30%) in the industry. This is expected, given that the average salary level for developers ($2,990) living in the region is close to their stated salary expectations ($3,125 at the median level).


This study is the result of the third salary survey of Russian-speaking representatives in the game industry. The survey was conducted by WN Media Group from April to May 2023. It involved voluntary questionnaires where users filled out freely distributed forms with questions on their own.

In total, 1,004 completed questionnaires were collected during the survey. Of these, 51 were from specialists located in Armenia.
