together with Talents In Games conducts research. Its goal is to find out the impact of education on the specialists of the gaming industry.


We invite you to take part in a survey from Talents In Games.

The purpose of the survey is to understand how game developers relate to education, whether they have enough knowledge in their specialty and whether they are engaged in self—education.

Based on the results of the survey, we will release a study with its results. We will announce the first results at White Nights Moscow 2019.

About education

Education in the gaming field is a sore topic. Specialized higher educational institutions in the CIS are not yet ready to teach bachelors and masters in gaming specialties. There are also few educational institutions ready to offer appropriate advanced training courses.

At the same time, there is a difficult situation on the market.

On the one hand, there is a personnel shortage. Even for Middle specialists, not to mention Senior, a struggle is unfolding between rapidly growing domestic companies.

On the other hand, there is nowhere to take young cadres, who in a couple of years will turn into Middle, according to the volume pool of vacancies. Their only source is the gaming companies themselves (most employees receive basic knowledge at work).

This leads to the fact that the very value of higher education (and education in general) in the gaming industry today is not even in question. HR-s in most cases do not look at its presence at all.

In the context of this situation, we decided to find out how many specialists in the industry have higher education, how they treat it, whether they consider it useful and whether they feel a lack of academic knowledge in their profession.
