We continue publishing the results of the salary survey by chapters, which we conducted from April to May 2023. Today's publication focuses on the income levels of Russian-speaking QA specialists.

We remind you that we are currently conducting a new salary survey. With its help, we are collecting current data on the salary situation among Russian-speaking and Russian specialists. You can take the survey here:

$1,778 is the average salary for a QA specialist in the Russian-speaking gaming industry. The median is $1,700.

The largest salary group of QA specialists consists of those earning between $1,500 and $2,000 per month.

Unlike marketers and analysts, for instance, the QA profession fully includes lower salary groups. A quarter of testers earn less than $1,000. Moreover, the peak salary level is significantly lower than in other professions — $5,000.

Testers are one of the groups of specialists that still have over 55% presence in Russia. As for those who have chosen to live in another country, they have settled in regions with the lowest cost of living (Kazakhstan and Serbia).

The largest group of QA specialists is involved in manual testing. However, their pay rate is the lowest in the field.

QA specialists have the lowest average starting salary among gaming professions — $600 with a median of $550. Additionally, Senior-level specialists earn relatively little — $2,100 with a median of $1,700.


This study is the result of the third salary survey among Russian-speaking representatives of the gaming industry. The survey was conducted by WN Media Group from April to May 2023. It was conducted through voluntary questionnaires (users filled out a freely distributed questionnaire with questions themselves).

The survey received 1,004 completed questionnaires. Out of these, 51 were from QA specialists.
