On January 19, Palworld, an action game with Pokemon—like creatures, was released in early access. Steam users liked the game.


According to SteamDB, six hours after the Steam version of Palworld was released, 344,945 people were playing at the same time. At the time of writing the news, online continues to grow, and it can be assumed that it will become much larger over the weekend.

Dynamics of Palworld online on Steam

Palworld surpassed all previous Pocketpair studio games combined online on Steam. For comparison, before, her most popular game was Craftopia, which at its peak attracted 27,246 people at the same time.

Indicators of Pocketpair games on Steam

Due to the high activity of the players, Palworld was able to take the fourth place in daily online on Steam. Only Counter-Strike 2 (947,863 people), Dota 2 (643,346 people) and PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS (538,842 people) have more online experience.

Palworld currently has fifteen hundred reviews on Steam, of which 88% are positive. It is praised for its addictive gameplay and crazy concept: in the game you need to catch local Pokemon "sticks", which can be armed with firearms, employed in a factory or enslaved. Also, many users note that Palworld is well optimized.

However, it was not without drawbacks. Palworld is mostly criticized for bugs: players complain about a black screen when loading, characters falling into textures and frequent crashes.

Note that Palworld was released not only on Steam. The game is also available on Xbox, including a Game Pass subscription.
