After February 2022, Steam and other major foreign stores stopped accepting payments from Russia. XYZ School looked at how it affected Russian gamers.

▪️81% of XYZ School gamers surveyed confirmed that it has become more difficult for them to buy games. Most experienced difficulties buying games on Steam (56%) and PS Store (20%).

The most popular way to circumvent restrictions is to purchase keys through intermediaries. It is chosen by 27% of the surveyed gamers. Also, the top 3 methods included replenishing the store’s wallet through third-party services (26%) and changing the region / using a VPN (19%).

41% of gamers spent no more than 5 thousand rubles buying games using similar methods. 20% of gamers spent 5-10 thousand rubles, 10% of gamers — 10-20 thousand rubles, and 5% of gamers — more than 20 thousand rubles.

XYZ School Research
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