The release of NBA 2K24 on Steam turned out to be very unsuccessful. The game was released on September 8 and to date has collected over 3 thousand negative reviews.

Disgruntled gamers criticize NBA 2K24 mainly for the poor quality of the port on the PC, the lack of major changes and the monetization system.

Now NBA 2K24 has an “extremely negative” rating on Steam and only 11% positive reviews.

According to the Steam250 portal, this was enough for NBA 2K24 to get on the second line in the list of the lowest-rated games in the history of Steam.

SteamDB has slightly different data. In his list of the worst games in terms of user rating, NBA 2K24 took third place immediately after Overwatch 2 and War of the Three Kingdoms. But SteamDB calculates the rating of the game differently than Steam itself.
