Three years after the release of Toon Blast, the sequel to the popular match game Toy Blast, continues to grow. To date, the title has not only overtaken its predecessor in revenue, but also earned the first billion dollars.

According to Sensor Tower, Toon Blast earned $ 180 million more than the original game – Toy Blast. This made the sequel the most successful title of the Turkish studio Peak Games.

According to analysts, the title has been growing vigorously since its launch. At the same time, the first half of 2020 was the best for the game for the entire existence – $ 205 million (revenue growth – 12% year-on-year).

The bulk of Toon Blast’s revenue came from three countries: the USA, Japan and the UK. Sensor Tower does not disclose figures for the last two countries, but notes that revenues from the United States amounted to $604 million, or 60% of the total amount.

The title downloads were distributed similarly. The United States was the leader in the number of downloads with 36.5 million installations out of a total of 113 million. Japan also came in second place, and the United Kingdom came in third.

Toon Blast is a shareware match game for mobile platforms developed and published by Peak Games Studio. The plot of the title revolves around the adventures of three characters: Cooper the cat, Wally the wolf and Bruno the bear.

Recall that the developer of the title had a new owner three months ago. In June, the American corporation Zynga announced the purchase of Peak Games studio for $ 1.8 billion.

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