The rating of young and successful entrepreneurs of Russia for 2014, compiled by The Village, included four game developers.

Из 25 самых успешных молодых бизнесменов России - 4 разработчики игр

Anton Belov, CEO of Mobirate, came in 12th place with an asset value of $42 million.

Behind him, on the 13th position, which was estimated at $ 38 million, is Andrey Pryakhin, the founder of the Kefir! studio.

The 14th and 15th places are shared by the Voynov brothers from ZeptoLab. Their assets were estimated at $34 million.

By the way, the first place in the top is occupied by Pavel Durov with $ 400 million.

The rating of young and successful entrepreneurs of Russia The Village is for the third time. The main criteria for getting into the rating are: age (the participant must be under 35 years old), Russian citizenship and the fact that a person built his own company from scratch.

The value of the alleged assets was recognized by the journalists of the publication from analysts, entrepreneurs themselves and their competitors. The data did not take into account funds from the sale of previous businesses and third-party sources of financing.

