King has published the financial results of 2015. The income of the authors of Candy Crush Saga is falling, the audience is decreasing. However, the company is still in a significant plus.


The financial year for King ended together with the calendar year – December 31, 2015. During this period, the company’s profit amounted to $1.99 billion (GAAP). For comparison, in 2014, the creators of the “candy” saga earned, excluding costs, $2.26 billion (GAAP).

Revenue (GAAP) for the past fiscal year was $517 million. This is 10% less than in 2014, when King’s revenue was $575 million.

The average MAU value for 2015 was 494 million, which is 5 million less than in 2014. At the same time, the average number of monthly active users for the fourth quarter of 2015 was 449 million, while in 2014 this number was 533 million.

King’s management reports that the company’s performance worsened due to a decrease in active and paying users in Candy Crush Saga, which partially compensated for the activity of players in the company’s new titles.

Source: King
