Repression is working: despite the scandals, Konami’s operating profit increased by 86% in the last quarter.

Операционная прибыль Konami выросла на 86 процентов

Despite (and most likely due to) the conflict with Hideo Kojima, the rigid management style (regulating the time spent by employees for lunch, installing surveillance systems, demoting employees to security guards and cleaners, and so on) and the focus on mobile development, the first fiscal quarter of 2016, which ended for the company on June 30, 2015-Wow, Konami ended up with significant growth.

Its total revenues increased by 5.3%, amounting to 51.202 million ($412 million). Operating profit, in turn, increased by a serious 86.7%. If last year for the same quarter the company earned ¥3.472 million ($27 million), this year the amount reached ¥6.484 million ($52 million).

The revenue of the gaming segment increased by 16.7% compared to last year, operating revenue from it by 78.5%. The gaming segment, which Konami itself calls the digital entertainment segment, remains its main and most profitable business. Revenues from games in the last quarter amounted to ¥23.829 million ($191 million). For comparison, the revenues of the company’s fitness division amounted to ¥ 17,584 ($141 million).

The main driver of sales were mobile games: Jikkyou Pawafuru Puroyakyu, PES CLUB MANAGER and Star Wars: Force Collection.

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