The authors of the Heliborne helicopter simulator – the Lithuanian JetCat team – raised €100 thousand to finalize the project.

JetCat поднял €100 000 на разработку Heliborne

The investor of the game was the Practica Capital group, also based in Lithuania. Thus, JetCat turned out to be the first development team in this Baltic country to receive money from a local fund.

According to Games Industry, JetCat is one of many Eastern European teams that have changed their registration to Lithuanian. According to the publication, only in the last 18 months, 10 teams have moved from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (the home countries of the JetCat founders) to Lithuania.

We, in turn, recall that Heliborne, as part of White Nights 2015, passed into the second round of the Indie Game Cup 2015 developer competition.

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