Last year was extremely successful for the Korean company. Gamevil’s annual revenues for the first time overcame the psychological mark of $ 100 million, its profit amounted to $20.6 million.


Screenshot: 별이되어라! (Dragon Blaze)
The most interesting thing is that the main reason for such success was the rapid growth of sales – by 160% compared to the results of 2013 – in the Korean market native to the company.

International sales also increased, but not so significantly – by 16%.

The main local hits of the company in the past year from the novelties were: Dragon Blaze, 2014 KBO and Kritika.

Gamevil Inc. is a Korean publisher and game developer, on the market since 2000. In 2013, the company acquired one of its main competitors at that time, another Korean giant Com2uS.
